Hoven School District

Empowering Students to Succeed!

Supply List

Animal Tracks Instructions

2nd Grade

Text Box: Supply List 2011-2012


	It is not necessary to purchase ‘fancy’ or expensive pencils and other supplies, but I do ask that when buying the 3-ring binder, that it be the type of folder that has a clear plastic cover in order to slide a portfolio picture in. 
Text Box: Second Grade Supply List – Mrs. Melius 
1 box standard yellow #2 pencils or 2 mechanical pencils with lead 
color pencils (these are used frequently) 
scissors (sharp tipped) 
4 glue sticks 
Elmer’s Glue 
4 large boxes of Kleenex 
2 pocket folders 
2 large pink erasers ( NOT pink pet…pink pearl are best) 
pencil cap erasers 
plastic Rubbermaid-type storage container for supplies 
3 ring binder (2 ½ size). Please get the kind that has a clear pocket on the outside cover to insert pictures into. We use these the entire year for our portfolios. 
1 box resealable zip-lock storage bags (gallon size) 
1 separate pair of non-marking shoes (white sole only) for gym use to be kept at school 
1 pair of “outdoor” shoes to be worn outside during recess